I am a Melillo Method TM Certified Professional and I coach families to become self expert in
Primitive Reflex Integration and
Brain Balancing Techniques
Consulting families access to video library HERE

Please click on each of the item below to read on the details. Please email if further information is needed.
The program primarily exists to provide additional support for families that may need it.
With this program, you can send me direct text/video/voice-notes on my number (preferably Whatsapp) to be in touch for:
* Clarification/further explanations of your plan
* Protocol Verification via videos
* Basic non-medical questions: Melillo Method™ & plan related
The direct-text program does not mean continuous feedback, but a response as and when possible directly
* An attempt will be made to respond within 12 hrs
* Questions related to program and its implementation is only covered.
* This is a be-in-touch program, and spamming will be warned and may lead to termination of the program
Be in touch via text messages and ensure your brain balancing program is being accurately implemented for the extra support you need.
Send/Receive video/voice directly 1:1 and ensure accuracy and empower yourself
Enroll with your email address for
$350 USD for a month
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The merchant name will be Aman Verma
General Or Follow Up Consults
Use one of the following option to book consult.
Ensure email address provided in following form is the one that will be used for communication.
Time slot will be discussed with you
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The merchant name will be Aman Verma

Primitive Reflex, Brain Regions and Functions
Education on everything about Primitive Reflexes
1. What is a Primitive Reflex?2. What triggers a primitive Reflex?3. What is Integrated vs Integrated primitive reflex?4. What causes primitive reflexes to be retained/unintegrated?5. What happens when reflexes are retained?6. Major types of Primitive reflexes and its function.7. Understanding how our kid’s development is impacted by these retained reflexes and signs of unpreferred behaviors related to these retained reflexes8. What to expect when these reflexes progress towards integration
*Rooting and sucking
*Fear Paralysis and Moro
*Spinal Galant
*Babinski9. Timeline of Primitive reflex emergence, progression and integration.10. Can Primitive reflexes return?11.How long does it take for Primitive reflexes to integrate?
Followed by Q&A Session
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7 min. Snippet from previous webinar topics are different from primitive reflexes
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Purchase previously recorded webinar for $100.
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The merchant name will be Aman Verma
Brain Balance & Primitive Reflex Integration Program using Melillo Method™
A movement-based approach to improve learning, behaviors, attention, focus, motor skills, emotional regulation, and sensory processing by tapping into the brains natural ability. The program provides you a home care plan, which will be set of exercises to strengthen core, integrate reflexes and toll based sensory stimulation supported by step by step visual and video demonstration.
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You will be redirected back to this website after payment
The merchant name will be Aman Verma
How it works: STEP-BY-STEP
Step 1: Free 20 min. Consultation
Schedule this free consult to discuss your situation and goals. Understand program details and services I offer, to see if it can help you in your journey.
If you decide to move forward, you can purchase the program using the Buy Now button above.
Step 2: Assessment
After you purchase the program, you will receive online assessment forms that helps me evaluate what parts of the brain are under connected, underdeveloped and needs stimulations to catchup and build neural connections.
You will also receive access to video training materialsStep 3: Plan Creation
A custom tailored plan will be created, aimed to stimulate and develop the underdeveloped areas of your child's brain for brain hemispheric integration. Access to Video materials will support each step of the programStep 4: Video Consult
The Plan package will include:
* 1:1 Zoom session to explain the custom-tailored-plan along with clarification on all questions to make you comfortable, educated and confident before you get started.
* Tips and Tricks on how to make exercises fun for kids and family.
* Tools to be on track.
* Motivation tips, since the program requires effort.
Hello, my name is Anjali Vidyarthy, a computer engineer by profession, but I have switched gears with a special interest in functional neurology to help my own daughter. I specialize in Primitive reflex integration and cutting edge technology in balancing brain hemispheric asymmetry, associated with neurodevelopmental disorder labelled as ASD, ADHD, OCD etcWe got blessed with twins in Nov 2017. In Dec-2019, right when we were overcoming the issues of my son's failure to thrive, my daughter got diagnosed with ASD. It was told to me by professional in this field as lifelong disorder with no answers. I was afraid, helpless, and completely overwhelmed.And here we are turning every impossible to possible in less than a year with Melillo Method™ program and related tools
About Dr. Robert MelilloCheckout shared videos below:
First Year Progress
Second Year Progress
My journey started like any other mom, desperate to help my child, find answers. After a year worth of research, I finally came across a book
Disconnected Kids: that was the answer to the hundreds of puzzle pieces I had in my mind around autism.Since then my learning has not stopped. After starting the Melillo Method™ in the beginning of the year 2021, I started seeing unbelievable changes.I was curious on how this method works and went through Dr Melillo’s Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disorder course and later got certified as Melillo Method™ practitioner. I am now into Advanced Neuroanatomy.I am here to share my experience of how I helped my daughter, help you learn how to work with your child at home, to balance their brain and to overcome their challenges.The program is designed to improve a family's life, just as it did ours.Thanks to Dr Melillo for his research in this field. There is no bigger reward for me than being a part of a child’s success journey.

Submit this form, and I will contact you
Thank you
Thank you for reaching out. I will email you details about the program and email/text you some time slots to chose from for a free 20 mins consult over a phone call.The agenda of the call would be to know a little more about your child, top 3 challenges you are currently facing and if and how my program and I can be helpful in your journey.After the call, if you wish to move forward, you can purchase the program(s) HERE
Thank you
Thank you for your interest. I will notify you when we go live next.
Apps and Resources for Brain Training, coming soon!
Please revisit in few days.